Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 5, 1988

Theoretical and mathematical physics

Interaction between а classical particle- type object and а quantized field

Interaction between а classical particle- type object and а quantized field

К.А. Sveshnikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 1

It is found that there is а sp ecific direct nonde layed interaction between fundamental particles in the region of а classical particle- type cluster, which is due to quantum fluctuations in the cluster's center of mass.

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The Weinberg angle in a 6- dimensional model for gravitational-electroweak interactions

The Weinberg angle in a 6- dimensional model for gravitational-electroweak interactions

Yu.S. Vladimirov and А.О. Miroshnik

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 4

А 6-dirnensional geornetrical theory is proposed that cornbines the general theory of relativity with the Weinberg-Salam weak interaction model; а metrical method is used for introducing the W± bosons subject to abandoning the metric cylindricity condition with respect to the additional coordinates. А mass mechanism of Higgs type leads to а correct relation between the W± and Z bosons. Тhere is cornplete correspondence with the Weinberg-Salam model. А theoretical value for the Weinberg angle is derived (θ_w = 30°).

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Central fall in the one- dimensional case

Central fall in the one- dimensional case

V.В. Gostev, I.V. Gostev, and А.R. Frenkin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 9

Тhе fall in the ground state in а center ($Еo→-∞,ψo^2→ δ(х)$) in а one-dimensional Coulomb attraction field is not related to elevated symmetry in that field but occurs also for attraction potentials $\lambda|x|^{-\nu}, 0<\nu< 2$, although it can bе readily removed bу altering the boundary conditions, in contrast to the fall in а central field (ν≥2,λ<O). Тhе parity degeneracy is lifted automatically with the elimination of the drop in the ground- state level.

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Zeno is quantum paradox for fini te-accuracy measurements

Zeno is quantum paradox for fini te-accuracy measurements

F.Уа. Khalili

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 13

A study has been made on how continuous measurement affects the be­havior of a two-level quantum system whose free evolution is charac­terized by oscillations between levels. As the measurement accuracy increases, the oscillation frequency decreases, and at a certain ac­curacy, the oscillations are replaced by aperiodic transition to the equilibrium state. The transition time-constant increases with the accuracy. If the system is tracked with absolute accuracy, it is frozen in the initial level.

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А maximum- reliability method in model choice

А maximum- reliability method in model choice

Yu.Р. Pyt'ev and М.L. Serdobol'skaya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 19

А new model choice method is proposed together with а method of best testing; а numerical analysis is performed in relation to determining an unknown model parameter.

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Recurrent relations for covariant derivatives of bilocal functions in a Riemann manifold

Recurrent relations for covariant derivatives of bilocal functions in a Riemann manifold

A.Ya. Rodinov and A.Yu. Taranov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 25

The current relations are derived for the multiple covariant derivatives of bilocal functions in а Riernann rnanifold; the geodesic interval and the parallel- translation operator are considered, and the derivatives of the van Vleck deterrninant up to the fifth order inclusive have been calculated.

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Constructing short - wave asymptotes Ьу successive diagonalization

Constructing short - wave asymptotes Ьу successive diagonalization

Yu.G. Pavlenko, Yu.А. Afinogenov, and S.I. Zelenskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 31

Hamiltonian special-function theory is applied in an algorithm for constructing higher WCB approximations. Successive diagonalizations are applied to the Hamiltonian that generates the wave equation, where each stage involves an exact transformation for the initial equations.

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Thermodynamics of the criticalу ϒ↔ α transitioh in cerium

Thermodynamics of the criticalу ϒ↔ α transitioh in cerium

I.Р. Bazarov, Е.D. Soldatova, and М.V. Mazharov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 39

Тhе properties of cerium near the critical point are considered in terms of one- component system thermodynamics; а thermal equation of state containing Р, V, and Т has been derived. Тhе equilibri um line terminates at the critical point. Тhе critical parameters have been calculated:$\alpha = 0, \gamma=1, \beta = 1/2, \delta = 3$.

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Atomic and nuclear physics

The scope for observing parity nonconservation in electroweak electron interactions

The scope for observing parity nonconservation in electroweak electron interactions

V.S. Zamiralov, B.S. Ishkhanov, and V.I. Mokeev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 45

A study has been made on the scope for observing parity nonconserva­tion in elastic polarized-electron scattering by nuclei at E < 1 GeV. It is shown that electron accelerators under design should allow one to observe the asymmetry in such scattering due to weak lepton-hadron interaction.

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Sokol satellite primary cosmic -ray high-energy particles

Sokol satellite primary cosmic -ray high-energy particles

N.L. Grigorov, I.P. Ivanenko, I.D. Rapoport, V.Ya. Shestoperov, Yu.V. Basina, P.V. Vakulov, R.M. Golynskaya, Yu.P. Gordeev, L.B. Grigor'eva, D.A. Zhuravlev, I.P. Kumpan, L.G. Mishchenko, L.P. Papina, V.V. Platonov, D.M. Podorozhnyi, G.A. Samsonov, L.G. Smolenskii, V.A. Sobinyakov, V.K. Sokolov, Yu.V. Trigubov, I.M. Fateeva , A.N. Fedorov, L.A. Khein, L.O. Chikova, V.Ya. Shiryaeva, B.M. Yakovlev, and I.V. Yashin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 49

Charge spectra have been recorded with satisfactory resolution at energies over. l TeV bу an apparatus containing two sectional Cherenkov charge detectors and а sectional ionization calorimeter providing about 5.5 proton interaction ranges; it has been used with the Cosmos satellites in 1984- 1986. Evidence has been found for а minor effect from the reverse secondary- particle current from the calorimeter in the charge measurements (at energies of several TeV).

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Acoustooptic interaction in an anisotropic medium in two-frequency diffraction

Acoustooptic interaction in an anisotropic medium in two-frequency diffraction

V.В. Voloshinov, V.N. Parygin, and В. Traore

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 55

Anisotropic diffraction is considered for two acoustic waves differing in frequency propagating in the sarne direction in а crystal. The Bragg- peak intensities have been calculated as functions of arnplitude and frequency. The two- frequency state can thus bе used to exarnine anisotropic diffraction in acoustooptic devices.

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Optics and spectroscopy

Simulating nonlinear optical processes in organic complexes

Simulating nonlinear optical processes in organic complexes

А.А. Demidov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 61

Monte Carlo methods have been applied to nonlinear optical processes in organic complexes of phycobilosome type; the nonlinearities are governed Ьу single- singlet annihilation and absorption saturation. The annihilation parameters are time- dependent, and mean values have been calculated.

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Inversion caused Ьу а monochromatic external field in а homogeneously broadened two - level atom

Inversion caused Ьу а monochromatic external field in а homogeneously broadened two - level atom

В.А. Grishanin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 66

The population difference has been calculated for the levels in а twolevel atom in а strong field with allowance for the inelastic interaction with the dephasing noise, which modulates the transition fre quency; а saturating field means that there is the frequency - difference range in which the stationary population difference is inverted because of the asyrnmetry in the absorption and emission of the quanta responsible for the dephasing.

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Acoustics and molecular physics

Thermooptic sound excitation at а boundary

Thermooptic sound excitation at а boundary

А.А. Karabutov and А.V. Uvarov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 70

Thermooptic sound excitation has been examined for а boundary between transparent and absorbing heat- conducting media for any ratio of the acoustic impedances; тedia may bе classified as regards how the conductivity affects the generation. Spectral transfer functions are used. А detailed study has been таdе on strongly and weakly conducting тedia. The results еnаblе one to optimize opticoacoustic devices.

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Asteroid motion near cornmensuraЬility 2:l and comparison of an analytic model with numerical integration

Asteroid motion near cornmensuraЬility 2:l and comparison of an analytic model with numerical integration

I.А. Gerasimov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 76

Results from an earlier qualitative analysis on asteroid motion near 2:1 commensurability with Jupiter are compared with those from numerical integration for the equations governing the planar form in the circular restricted three- body problem.

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Theoretical and mathematical physics

The light pseudoscalar boson contribution to the lepton's anomalous magnetic moment

The light pseudoscalar boson contribution to the lepton's anomalous magnetic moment

А.V. Averin, А.V. Borisov, and А.I. Studenikin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 81

Calculations have been performed on the contribution from the 1.6 MeV pseudoscalar boson to the lepton g factor in а constant magnetic field. The magnitude is dependent on the lepton energy and field strength. Numerical estimates have been made and are compared with the contributions from weak interactions.

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Nematic liquid-crystal nonlinearity at 1-33 MHz

Nematic liquid-crystal nonlinearity at 1-33 MHz

F.V. Bulygin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 83

Measruements have been made on the nonlinearity in the dielectric constant $\alpa$ for nematic liquid crystals in the range 1- 33 MHz: $\alpha=1,5\cdot 10^{-3} cm^3/erg$. The frequency dependence of $\alpha$ and tan $tg \delta$ has been determined, as well as the temperature dependence of $\alpha$ and $\epsilon$.

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Numerical calculations and analytic estimates for the periodic, subharmonic, and chaotic ranges in the solution to the equations for а nonlinear oscillator subject to а harmonic external force

Numerical calculations and analytic estimates for the periodic, subharmonic, and chaotic ranges in the solution to the equations for а nonlinear oscillator subject to а harmonic external force

V.А. Makarov and А.V. Matveeva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 86

А numerical study has been made on how absorption affects the size and position of the region in parameter space for an anharmonic oscillator subject to harmonic external force within which one gets period multiplication and dynamic chaos.

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Optics and spectroscopy

Gain limiting for а picosecond- pulse burst with induced Raman scattering in potassium- gadolinium tungstate

Gain limiting for а picosecond- pulse burst with induced Raman scattering in potassium- gadolinium tungstate

Р. Heist and V.V. Shuvalov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 89

It is found that the main restrictive factor is induced Raman scattering gain saturation in pumping а synchronous dye laser with the second harmonic of а picosecond laser based on $(KGd(WO_4)_2:Nd^{3+})$.

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Acoustics and molecular physics

Polarization effects in nonlinear acoustic SH wave reflection

Polarization effects in nonlinear acoustic SH wave reflection

F.М. Severin and I.Yu. Solodov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 92

The plane of polar ization for the second har monic is rotated in nonlinear shear SH wave reflection from solid interfaces.

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Solid state physics

Electron microscopy of ϒ- irradiated tungsten and molybdenum crystals

Electron microscopy of ϒ- irradiated tungsten and molybdenum crystals

V.А. Mashtakova, А.А. Salomatin, В.В. Shishkin, А.Р. Mamontov, N.N. Nikitenko, and I.Р. Chernov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 95

Electron microscopy has been applied to surface structure and emissivity for polycrystalline tungsten carbide and molybdenum and also tungsten single crystals irradiated bу ϒ- rays, including how these characteristics vary on annealing.

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The spin-orientation phase diagram for the ($(Tb_{0,75} Ho_{0,25})_{1-x}Dy_xCo_2$ system

The spin-orientation phase diagram for the ($(Tb_{0,75} Ho_{0,25})_{1-x}Dy_xCo_2$ system

А.S. Ilyushin, М. Heniish, Н.А. Motaveh, А.А. А1i, and М.В. Karman

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 97

Low- temperature magnetometry and X- ray diffraction have been applied to $(Tb_{0,75} Ho_{0,25})_{1-x}Dy_xCo_2$ alloys; а spin- orientat ion phase diagram has been constructed.

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The correlation between slow surface- conductivity relaxation and low- frequency current noise in ion- implemented silicon films

The correlation between slow surface- conductivity relaxation and low- frequency current noise in ion- implemented silicon films

Р.К. Kashkarov, А.V. Petrov, I.G. Stoyanova, and А.V. Filatov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 100

Ar^+ implantation in Si is accompanied Ьу the formation of adsorptiontype defect complexes at the surface at doses above 10^11 ion·cm^{-2}, which accelerates the surface conductivity relaxation and markedly increases the l/f type current noise.

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