Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Extra-solar planets in blnary stellar systems

N.A. Solovaya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2005. 60. N 4. P. 86

  • Article

Within the theory of the unlimited three-body proЫem, i.е., а planet orblts one component in а Ьinary stellar system, the dynamic stabllity of extra-solar planets is examined. The distance between the stars is much Ьigger than that between one star and the planet. The possiЫe conditions of dynamic stabllity are represented Ьу orbltal parameters: the mutual inclination of the orblts, the ratio of their major semiaxes, and the masses of the components. The systems Gliese 86 and 61 Cygni are theoretically studied. The results are corroborated Ьу numerical integration.

N.A. Solovaya
Sternberg State Institute of Astronomy
Issue 4, 2005

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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