Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Conformal galilean space (friedmann-lobachevskii space)

D.F. Kurdgelaidze

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 12

  • Article

Einstein's equation is considered in Friedmann-Lobachevskii space. The equation of state is given in the general form and in the particular cases p=0, p= ρ/3; in the case p=ρ closed ana lytic solutions are given. The properties of the solutions obtained under the transformations λ⇆-λ are examined and solutions are shown to exist which give a change from expansion to compression when λ⇆-λ.

D.F. Kurdgelaidze
Department of Theoretical Physics
Issue 1, 1967

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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