Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The synthesis of continious matching transitions between rods-like wave guides

E.V. Imenitova, К.V. Chernyshev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1981. 36. N 4. P. 41

  • Article

The form of amatching transition is determined by the wave propagation equation for a rod of variable cross section and must correspond to a deep enough local minimum of the local (in a specified frequency band) mismatch factor. The fundamental system of solutions of this equation is used, so that it is possible to find the mismatch factor. Then, based on some initial approximation, the form of the transition is determined by means of the method of steepest descent. In the article, examples are considered which relate to the most interesting case of short transitions, to which a nonmonotone relation between the radius of the bar and the longitudinal coordinate corresponds.

E.V. Imenitova, К.V. Chernyshev
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 4, 1981

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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