Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Gauge model in тhе superstring theory

А.А. Vikhorev and В.I. Sadovnikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1996. 1996. N 5. P. 1

  • Article

А gauge model of а superstring that has а property of self-similarity has been proposed. Equations for the function of state and the Hamiltonian operator have been oЬtained Ьу means of а regular representation of the group of motion of а spinor manifold and its Lie algebra. А self-consistent boundary-value problem for eigenvalues ofthe constructed Hamiltonian operator has been solved. Energy levels corresponding to а relative mass spectrum of charged leptons е±, μ±, т± have been found. А possiЫe reason for the existence of three generations of elementary fermions has been discovered.

А.А. Vikhorev and В.I. Sadovnikov
Department of Quantum Statistics and Field Theory
Issue 5, 1996

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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