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Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 1, 1976

Influence of the finite lifetime of the compound nucleus on the shape of the planar shadow

Influence of the finite lifetime of the compound nucleus on the shape of the planar shadow

Yu.V. Melikov and N.G. Chechenin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 1

Angular distributions (planar shadows) are calculated on the assumption of a single event of scattering of nuclear reaction product particles by a crystallographic plane. The influence of the displacement of the compound nucleus from the crystal lattice site on the shapes of the angular distributions is analyzed.

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A laser generator with optical delay in the feedback circuit

A laser generator with optical delay in the feedback circuit

V.N. Parygin, Kh. Gassab, and I.P. Smagin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 6

An experimental study of a generator with an optical delay line in the feedback circuit is reported. The amplitude and frequency characteristics of the generator are studied at various lengths of the optical delay line. The possibility of using such a generator for distance measurement is indicated.

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A model system with repulsive interaction

A model system with repulsive interaction

N.N. Bogolyubov, Jr. and V.N. Plechko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 10

A many-particle model problem with four-fermian positive interaction and sources is considered. Asymptotically exact expressions were obtained for the free energy and many-term coalition functions. It is shown that the role of the interaction reduces to renormalization (weakening) of the sources in the thermodynamic limit.

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Allowance for transit nonlinearity in avalanche-diode and klystron oscillators

Allowance for transit nonlinearity in avalanche-diode and klystron oscillators

V.V. Karpov, I.I. Minakova, and A.G. Fedoseev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 18

The influence of the applied-voltage dependence of the transit angle on the autonomous - and synchronous-mode characteristics of delay master oscillators is examined. Amplitude curves and stability conditions are calculated for AD and reflex - klystron oscillators. Relations are developed for the synchronization band widths and amplitude increase in the synchronous mode as functions of transit angle and its self-modulation percentage in the presence of a parametric disturbance.

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Recovery of a P-I-N photodiode on illumination by a powerful light flash

Recovery of a P-I-N photodiode on illumination by a powerful light flash

A.I. Gomonova and Yu.V. Ponomarev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 24

The dissipation of mobile carriers accumulated in the I layer of a P-I-N photodiode after it is illuminated by strong light is considered. It is assumed that the recovery of the photodiode occurs at a constant back current flowing through the device. The results can be used to estimate the length of the carrier dissipation process at various intensities of the illumination preceding the dissipation.

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Analysis of the natural vibrations of a cylindrical shell by the method of finite elements

Analysis of the natural vibrations of a cylindrical shell by the method of finite elements

V.P. Kandidov and S.A. Khristochevskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 29

The possibility of reducing the number of dynamic variables per partitioning element in investigating the natural vibrations of a cylindrical shell by the finite element method is considered. At a given number of degrees of freedom, the app roach used makes it possible to increase the number of partitioning elements.

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Structure of flows over exaggerated roughness

Structure of flows over exaggerated roughness

B.S. Agrovskii, E.P. Anisimova, I.I. Ivlev, A.A. Speranskaya, and M.S. Tugeeva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 33

The results of an instrumental study of the structure of flows oyer roughness whose dimensions are comparable to the scale of the flow itself are reported. The work was done under natural conditions on the Polomet River and in the laboratory, using a water channel and a wind tunnel. Averaged flow velocity profiles measured in various cross sections downstream from the roughness and spectral density functions of the absolute velocity fluctuations are presented. It is shown that when air and water flow over course roughness, separated flows form behind the latter.

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Interpretation of calorimeter cascades

Interpretation of calorimeter cascades

A.I. Dem'yanov, T.S. Lim, V.S. Murzin, L.I. Sarycheva, and G.F. Fedorova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 36

Fluctuations of nuclear cascades in an iron-absorber are studied on the basis of a conception under which the leading hadron interacts successively with atomic nuclei. The experimental characteristics of the nuclear cascades are compared with those obtained by the same methods for artificial cascades calculated by a Monte Carlo method.

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Formation and study of complex polymer films

Formation and study of complex polymer films

E.M. Dubinina, V.P. Novozhilov, and S.S. Elovikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 41

It is shown that electron bombardment can be used to form composite dielectric and resistive coatings on a polymer base that are localized in the area in which the electron beam interacts with the backing. The filming parameters of silicon monoxide and silver on a polymer backing are determined with and without electron beaming. Several materials in the class of silicon-carbon heterocyclics are studied with dielectric and metallic components introduced into them in metal - dielectric - metal structures.

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Certain problems in the mathematical design of an axisymmetric injection gun

Certain problems in the mathematical design of an axisymmetric injection gun

B.A. Volodin, R.M. Islamov, and A.M. Khapaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 48

A solution algorithm is constructed and certain problems in the analysis of electron trajectories in an axisymmetric gun used in experimental setups of the CRM-generator type to obtain stimulated emission are discussed.

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Theoretical discussion of bottom density currents on inclined planes

Theoretical discussion of bottom density currents on inclined planes

V.N. Anuchin, V.M. Belokopytov, Yu.G. Pyrkin, and M.M. Khapaey

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 52

The solution of the following problem is described: find the average-velocity distributions in a bottom density current flowing along an inclined plane and in the layer in which the surrounding stationary liquid is entrained, when the turb ulent stress distribution in the flow is known.

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Behavior of quartz in alternating electric fields

Behavior of quartz in alternating electric fields

V.G. Zubov, Т.M. Glushkova, and M.M. Firsova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 58

The permittivity and electrical conductivity of crystalline and fused quartz are measured in alternating electric fields. Dispersion of e is observed in the hight emperature range and dispersion of a at low temperatures. The results are treated from the standpoint of a near-electrode polarization model and a hopping model of conductivity.

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The chronokinemetric invariant method

The chronokinemetric invariant method

Yu.S. Vladimirov and A.Z. Shelkovenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 62

A particular case of the general dyadic method is described: the method of chronokinemetric invariants. The timelike vector of the dyad is gauged chronok inemetrically, and the spacelike vector kinemetrically. Expressions are written for the principal physical geometric quantities of the dyadic method and for the differential operators.

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Historical-documentation and logical aspects of succession of physical theories

Historical-documentation and logical aspects of succession of physical theories

В.I. Spasskii and V.V. Maksakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 66

Luminescence of quartz glass under electronic excitation

Luminescence of quartz glass under electronic excitation

T.S. Bessonova and V.K. Shetkov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 71

Features of the erosion mechanism of inhomogeneous clay-and-rubble soils

Features of the erosion mechanism of inhomogeneous clay-and-rubble soils

V.S. Krupoderov and N.A. Mikhailova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 73

Experiments with beams in an inhomogeneous longitudinal magnetic field

Experiments with beams in an inhomogeneous longitudinal magnetic field

V.K. Grishin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 76

Calculation of the tunneling factor for proton transport

Calculation of the tunneling factor for proton transport

M.A. Vorotyntsev and G.M. Chonishvili

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 79

One application of the tetrad method in the classical theory of radiation

One application of the tetrad method in the classical theory of radiation

A.B. Kukanov and N.D. Naumov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 83

Low-temperature chambers for mossbauer diffraction experiments

Low-temperature chambers for mossbauer diffraction experiments

V.S. Zasimov and R.N. Kuz'min

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 86

Neutral currents in ant ineutrino splitting of the deuteron

Neutral currents in ant ineutrino splitting of the deuteron

В.K. Kerimov and M.Ya. Safin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 89