Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 2, 1971

Photon emissions during a weak interaction of polarized leptons

Photon emissions during a weak interaction of polarized leptons

A.N. Safronov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 1

The bremsstrahlung which accompanies the neutrino annihilation of polarized leptons is analyzed on the basis of the theory of a universal weak interaction. The photons produced during this process can in principle yield information about the vertex of the four - fermion interaction. Their angular and energy distributions and the high - energy behavior of the cross section depend strongly on the polar -ization states of the initial particles.

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Potential distribution along the axis in a discharge with oscillating electrons

Potential distribution along the axis in a discharge with oscillating electrons

A.N. Mavlyanov and G.V. Smirnitskaya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. N 2.

A method is proposed for measuring the potential distribution along the axis in a Penning discharge in a high vacuum (р<10^(-4)torr). The potential distribution has been measured for various values of Vа, H, р and various anode lengths.

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Аn isotropy of an even transverse field in bismuth

Аn isotropy of an even transverse field in bismuth

L.V. Lazareva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 14

A study was made of the anisotropy α of the even transverse field E(s) which arises in Bi in strong effective magnetic fields, in the plane perpendicular to the direction of current I. The measurements were carried out over the temperature range from 77°K to 1.8°K in fields up to 15 kOe.

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Motion of a test particle in the gravitational field of an oblate ellipsoid of revolution

Motion of a test particle in the gravitational field of an oblate ellipsoid of revolution

V.S. Brezhnev and N.I. Maksyukov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 20

Recent work by Dicke has shown that the sun is not a perfect spheroid, but has an oblateness of a factor of 5*10^(-5). One consequence of this oblateness is a change in the gravitational potential of the sun, which should affect the motion of the planets. In contrast with Dicke's study, based on scalar gravitational theory, the Einstein relativistic gravitational theory is used to study the effect of the oblateness of the sun on the motion of a single planet in the ecliptic plane under the assumption that the sun is an oblate ellipsoid of revolution and (for simplicity) under the assumption that the sun is homogeneous.

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Fluctuations in the progagation direction of scattered waves upon reflection from a layer containing random inhomogeneities

Fluctuations in the progagation direction of scattered waves upon reflection from a layer containing random inhomogeneities

V.D. Gusev and L.I. Prikhod'ko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 24

Measurement of the approach angles of radial waves by differential - phase systems is based on the use of a phase gradient along the propagation direction or, more precisely, a difference between the phases of the fields at two (or several) spatial points. In this connection it is interesting to treat the problem of finding the distribution function and statistical characteristics of an arbitrary phase of the field upon reflection from an inhomogeneous plasma layer (such as the i onosphere).

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Bubnov - Galerkin study of the threshold for ultrasound generation in CdS

Bubnov - Galerkin study of the threshold for ultrasound generation in CdS

S.A. Bidikhov and P.S. Landa

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 29

The conditions for ultrasound generation in a CdS crystal have been studied. The vibration equation in the piezoelectric semiconductor with specified boundary conditions is solved by the Bubnov - Galerkin method. Expressions are found for the critical electron drift velocity Vocr and the ultrasonic frequency ω_cr corresponding to the beginning of generation. The results are compared with previous results.

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General properties of the root trajectories for systems with distributed delay

General properties of the root trajectories for systems with distributed delay

O.D. Akhmatova and G.A. Bendrikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 34

Equations are found for the root trajectories and for the parameter for systems having distributed delay, whose characteristice quation (where к is the free parameter). The general properties of the root trajectories are analyzed, and an example is discussed.

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Theory of electrons in disordered systems

Theory of electrons in disordered systems

B. Esser

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 40

Two theoretical problems involving heavily built semiconductors are analyzed.

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Discharge current in the cylindrical gas magnetron

Discharge current in the cylindrical gas magnetron

G.V. Smimitskaya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 46

It is shown that in a strong magnetic field, in which the density of the negative; space charge in a cylindrical gas magnetron reaches its maximum value, the equation for the discharge current is a particular case of the equation for the discharge current in a Penning discharge, reported previously by Reikhrudel et al. The value of (Hra)n , at which we find р=р_max for a given Va, is determined. The theoretical values are found to be in satisfactory agreement with the experimental values for various geometric and physical parameters.

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Root-trajectory study of nonidentical two-dimensional systems with crossed linkages

Root-trajectory study of nonidentical two-dimensional systems with crossed linkages

V.V. Lyalin and N.A. Sukhacheva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 52

Linear two - dimensional systems having nonidentical channels and crossed linkages are analyzed by the root - trajectory method. Some examples of nonidentical systems are discussed.

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Mechanical oscillator in a light flux

Mechanical oscillator in a light flux

V.B. Braginskii, V.A. Kuznetsov, and V.N. Rudenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 56

An experimental study has been made of light - induced stiffness and radiometric oscillatory instability.

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Radiation and radiative - friction force during the accelerated motion of an electron

Radiation and radiative - friction force during the accelerated motion of an electron

A.A. Sokolov and M.M. Kolesnikova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 60

The classical Dirac equation for a point electron is used to analyze the Born paradox, according to which the radiative - friction power seems to not be equal to the energy radiated per unit time in certain cases.

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Nonequilibrium magnetic states of rock

Nonequilibrium magnetic states of rock

V.I. Trukhin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 67

The natural magnetic states of rock have been studied and compared with a zero initial state. Rocks are usually in nonequilibrium states. The deviation from equilibrium depends on the temperature at which the natural remnant magnetization was formed and on the time which has elapsed since the rock formation.

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Knight shift in certain compounds of aluminum with niobium and zirconium

Knight shift in certain compounds of aluminum with niobium and zirconium

V.I. Nedel'ko and V.I. Chechernikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 71

NMR side - frequency regulator

NMR side - frequency regulator

R.M. Umarkhodzhaev and A.L. Kotkin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 73

Effective exchange fields in substituted gadolinium ferrite garnets

Effective exchange fields in substituted gadolinium ferrite garnets

L.P. Shlyakhina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 75

Zero - gradient planar heater for Mossbauer effect experiments

Zero - gradient planar heater for Mossbauer effect experiments

V.A. Golovninj, S.M. Irkaev, and R.N. Kuz'min

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 78

Nonlinear thermal rotation of the polarization plane of laser radiation

Nonlinear thermal rotation of the polarization plane of laser radiation

S.I. Ryzhakova, and I.V. Tomov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 80

New applications of the metallurgical synthesis of Mossbauer sources

New applications of the metallurgical synthesis of Mossbauer sources

S.K. Godovikov and R.N. Kuz'min

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 83

Parametron phasemeter

Parametron phasemeter

V.P. Komolov, V.Yu . Maslov, and I.T. Trofimenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 85

Relation between spherical and ellipsoidal functions in connection with the earth's gravitational field

Relation between spherical and ellipsoidal functions in connection with the earth's gravitational field

L.A. Savrov and M.U. Sagitov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 87

Use of the root - trajectory method for equations having a quadratic free parameter to study nonidentical two - dimensional automatic - control systems

Use of the root - trajectory method for equations having a quadratic free parameter to study nonidentical two - dimensional automatic - control systems

В.B. Bukhovtsev and V.V. Lyalin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 90

Possible linear modulation of light based on the Franz - Keldysh effect

Possible linear modulation of light based on the Franz - Keldysh effect

A.Ya. Goykhman and V.N. Kalinin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 92

Structure of catho de sputtered thin films

Structure of catho de sputtered thin films

A.I. Krokhina, V.S. Azarov, and L. Ettemadi

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 95

Measuring the parameters of ultrashort electrical pulses by an integral method based on the Franz-Keldysh effect

Measuring the parameters of ultrashort electrical pulses by an integral method based on the Franz-Keldysh effect

A.Ya. Goykhman, M.I. Gryaznov, and V.N. Kalinin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 2. P. 97