Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Conservation laws for a vortex in a compressible nonequilibrium medium

N.A. Vinnichenko, A.V. Uvarov, A.I. Osipov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2011. 66. N 5. P. 443

  • Article

The problem of conservation of magnitudes is considered for a vortex in a relaxing compressible medium. Heat release due to the relaxation of a nonequilibrium medium leads to the propagation of compression waves, which remove material. Traditional integrals of motion are inapplicable in this case. We pro-pose the concept of integral quantity, which is conserved with an arbitrary degree of accuracy despite the fact that waves cross the boundary of the integration domain. Based on this concept, a broad class of conservation laws is derived for axisymmetric disturbances of columnar vortices, including conservation of the circulation and total angular momentum of the vortex. For nonaxisymmetric disturbances, it is shown that the total angular momentum and properly defined energy integral are conserved. Numerical verification of the derived conservation laws is performed and the perspectives for using these conservation laws in numerical simulations are discussed.

Received: 2011 February 24
Approved: 2011 November 11
47.32.C- Vortex dynamics
47.32.Ef Rotating and swirling flows
47.70.Nd Nonequilibrium gas dynamics
N.A. Vinnichenko, A.V. Uvarov, A.I. Osipov
Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 5, 2011

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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