Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 4, 1997

Theoretical and mathematical physics

1.Foundations of possiЬility theory. Methods of optimal estimation and decision making 2. Measure of necessity: definition, properties, integration over possiЬility and necessity

1.Foundations of possiЬility theory. Methods of optimal estimation and decision making 2. Measure of necessity: definition, properties, integration over possiЬility and necessity

Yu.P. Pyt'ev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 1

Concepts of possibility and necessity of an event, fuzzy one included, as well as concepts of integrating over possibllity and necessity have been considered.

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On а mathematical model of immunology

On а mathematical model of immunology

O.S. Vasiliev, V.B. Glasko, Yu.V. Glasko,V.M. Zemskov, and S.V. Rodionov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 7

А mathematical model for the process of activating immunocompetent cells has been proposed. An inverse proЬlem of identifying а model of an object based on the readings of the flowing cytometer has been posed and its correctness has been estaЫished. А mathematical experiment has been conducted.

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Propagation of weakly nonlinear plasma waves in periodically inhomogeneous structures

Propagation of weakly nonlinear plasma waves in periodically inhomogeneous structures

I.М. Aleshin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 14

The effect of periodic inhomogeneity of а positive background on the dynamics of nonlinear potential waves in а cold plasma has been considered in а cuЬic approximation with respect to the field amplitude. Such an inhomogeneity results in splitting of the spectrum of the Langmuir wave into two branches, one of which appears to Ье damped. Medium inhomogeneity also results in а nonlinear frequency shift.

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Atomic and nuclear physics

On mechanism of formation of energy spectrum of cosmic ray protons

On mechanism of formation of energy spectrum of cosmic ray protons

Yu.A. Popov, S.N. Sidorenko, А.Р. Chernyaev, and Lissuk Daniel

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 18

Рассмотрен статистический механизм ускорения до релятивистских энергий протонов космических лучей. Найдено решение общего уравнения, описывающего процесс ускорения. Получен энергетический спектр протонов, соответствующий наблюдаемому.

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On theory of cascade energy exchange between an electron and an open resonator field

On theory of cascade energy exchange between an electron and an open resonator field

Yu.K. Alekseev, l.Yu. Krasovskaya, and А.Р. Sukhorukov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 22

Cascade energy exchange between longitudinal alternating electric field of an open resonator and an electron beam passing through а series ofthin diaphragms with small apertures located in the resonator field, has been discussed. Formulas have been derived for the output velocity and electronic efficiency of а thin cluster. А mathematical and numerical model has been constructed for the description of this interaction in kinematic approximation with regard to the electron volume charge. Based on this model, estimates of the interaction efficiency and the admissible phase and velocity variations have been made. The possiЬility to reduce essentially the field strength required for efficient deceleration of the beam electrons has been demonstrated.

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Optics and spectroscopy

Optimization of film thickness and thermal diffusivity measurement Ьу thermal wave method

Optimization of film thickness and thermal diffusivity measurement Ьу thermal wave method

А.А. Karabutov, V.V. Кlevitsky, А.Р. Kubyshkin, and V.Ya. Panchenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 28

The proЬlem of noncontact determination of thermophysical characteristics of а thin layer with the help of laser-induced thermal waves is theoretically studied. The finiteness of the laser beam diameter makes it possiЫe to find the thickness of the layer and its thermal diffusivity independently of one another. The authors analyze pulsed and continuous modes of thermal wave excitation and discuss the proЬlem of choice of optimal conditions for а particular sample under study.

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А spectrophotometric study of thin films inhomogeneity

А spectrophotometric study of thin films inhomogeneity

Yu.A. Bobrovnikov, A.V. Kozar', K.V. Popov, A.N. Tikhonov, A.V. Tikhonravov, and М.К. Тrubetskov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 35

The present paper considers the possibility of using the spectrophotometric method for studying the thin films inhomogeneity. А hierarchic approach to the construction of mathematical models of investigation of thin films is put forward.

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Solid state physics

MoЬility of samarium atoms in hydrogen-saturated

MoЬility of samarium atoms in hydrogen-saturated

G.P. Revkevich, М.К. Mitkova, and А.А. Katsnelson

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 40

The X-ray diffraction pattern of а sample of а Pd-Sm alloy has been studied. It has been experimentally found that, as а result of saturation with hydrogen at room temperature, а two-phase sample is turned into а single-phase state. The process has taken 10-15 days. The rate of diffusion of samarium atoms in the presence of hydrogen increased Ьу 4 or 5 orders of magnitude.

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Low-temperature electron moЬilities in subbands of dimensional quantization in comЬined-doped GaAs/Al$_x$Ga$_{1-x}$As heterostructures

Low-temperature electron moЬilities in subbands of dimensional quantization in comЬined-doped GaAs/Al$_x$Ga$_{1-x}$As heterostructures

R.A. Lunin, V.G. Kytin, V.A. Kulbachinsky, and G.A. Mironova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 45

The Shubnikov-de Haas effect, the quantum Hall effect and the electric transport properties of GaAs/Al$_x$Ga$_{1-x}$As heterojunctions have been studied, in which the Al$_x$Ga$_{1-x}$As layer is homogeneously doped with silicon and the GaAs layer is simultaneously 8-doped with different distances L5{200А<L5<1200А} from the 8-layer of the impurity to the heterojunction. The maximum concentration of 2D-electrons achieved is $1.1\cdot10^{13}$ см$^{-2}$ at $L_{\delta}=600 A$. Measurements have been carried out in the temperature range of 0.4<Т<300К in magnetic fields of up to 35Т bу analyzing the transverse magnetoresistance and the Hall effect, two-dimensional concentrations, transport and quantum mobilities of electrons in subbands of dimensional quantization at low temperatures have been determined. Electron mobilities in scattering on ionized impurities have been calculated for а multi-subband case.

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Extraordinary Nernst-Ettingshausen effect in magnetic granular alloys

Extraordinary Nernst-Ettingshausen effect in magnetic granular alloys

A.V. Kalitsov, M.G. Chshiev, and N.I. Tsidaeva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 51

The paper concerns а theoretical study of the behavior of the extraordinary Nernst-Ettingshausen effect {ENEE} in magnetic granular alloys. Calculations have been made within the framework of the Zhang-Levi model. The authors consider an asymmetric scattering of spin-polarized electrons on impurities that occurs under the action of а spin-orЬital interaction. It has been shown that in granular alloys with surface scattering playing а significant part, the value of the ENEE coefficient $Q_s^b$ may Ье substantially higher than the ENEE coefficient $Q_s^b$ for а homogeneous ferromagnetic material; moreover, the coefficients $Q_s$ and $Q_s^b$ may have different signs.

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Structure of intense convective humid-type air vortices

Structure of intense convective humid-type air vortices

Е.Р. Anisimova, А.М. Nikolaev, А.А. Speranskaya, and O.N. Chernyshev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 56

Physical modeling data are used for classifying intense convective humid-type vortices. It is shown that the criterion that determines the vortex structure in this class is Froude's thermal number Fr* =(ϑ_∞^2)/(Rg∆T/T_∞)

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Resonance three-wave interactions of seismic waves in viscoelastic geomedia

Resonance three-wave interactions of seismic waves in viscoelastic geomedia

S.A. Arseniev and N .К. Shelkovnikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 60

А theoretical model has been derived for nonlinear parametric interactions between seismic waves traveling in the geomedium. Formulas have been derived for particular calculations.

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Higher order disturbances in а three-body stellar problem

Higher order disturbances in а three-body stellar problem

N.A. Solovaya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 64

А canonical system of differential equations for а disturbed motion of the threebody stellar problem has been obtained. An analytical method of solution with consideration for the third and fourth order terms in the Hamiltonian of the problem has been developed. Secular parts of angular variables g1 and g2 in the arguments of cosines have been introduced as the new variables.

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Theoretical and mathematical physics

Calculation of matched transducer between two coaxial oval waveguides

Calculation of matched transducer between two coaxial oval waveguides

A.G. Sveshnikov, A.N. Bogolyubov, and D.V. Minaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 71

The proЬlem of synthesizing а matched transducer between two coaxial waveguides of oval cross section shapes is studied. The proЬlem is analyzed in its full mathematical formulation, using two powerful methods, the finite difference method and the regularization method, for its solution. Numerical calculation data are given.

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Competition of self-localization and delocalization processes of two-dimensional waves in а nonlinear grating.

Competition of self-localization and delocalization processes of two-dimensional waves in а nonlinear grating.

А.Р. Sukhorukov and A.V. Churilova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 77

The evolution of vibrations in two-dimensional cuЬic-nonlinearity gratings near the saddle point of the dispersion surface is analyzed. Using the first two evaluated integrals, а strict analytical solution of the coupled nonlinear differential equations for the excitation агеа widths descriЬing the processes of self-localization and delocalization in two mutually perpendicular directions has been oЬtained. The main features of space vibration dynamics have been identified as functions of the relation between the nonlinear and dispersion properties of the system.

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Optics and spectroscopy

The nature of low-temperature peak in delayed fluorescence thermograms of leaves

The nature of low-temperature peak in delayed fluorescence thermograms of leaves

A.V. Gushchin and А.К. Kukushkin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 81

The relation between the delayed fluorescence (DF) thermograms and the thermoluminescence (TL) curves ofleaves ofhigher plants has been investigated. It is shown that the low-temperature peak. of the band А on the TL curve and the first peak in DF thermograms are of the same nature.

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Spatial quantization of edge laser speckles

Spatial quantization of edge laser speckles

Yu.V. Vasil'ev, E.F. Kuritsyna, and А.Е. Luk'yanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 85

The phenomenon of spatial quantization of edge laser speckles, directly observed а large distance apart from the diffraction edge, was found experimentally in diffraction of а Gaussian beam of laser radiation strongly contracted in the cross section at the straight sharpened edge of а semi-infinite metallic screen.

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Diffraction phenomena in wave packet propagation and focusing

Diffraction phenomena in wave packet propagation and focusing

Yu.E. Dyakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 88

Pulse propagation in vacuum is analyzed for the general case 0≤ω_0τ_0<∞ (where τ_0 is the pulse duration and ω_0 is the carrier frequency) taking into account the diffraction effects that are due to the finite extension of the wave beam carrying the pulse. The analysis is based on the exact analytical solution of the nonstationary parabolic equation oЬtained in this paper {in time-coordinate representation). The case of а Gaussian wave packet with frequency and wave chirps has been discussed in detail.

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Dynamics of channel shape and depth in hole punching Ьу laser bеаm

Dynamics of channel shape and depth in hole punching Ьу laser bеаm

A.V. Nesterov, V.G. Niz'ev, and О.А. Novodvorskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 93

А theoretical model describlng the dynamics of channel shape and depth in punching holes Ьу а laser beam has been suggested. The model takes into account the principal characteristics of radiation absorption on channel walls.

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Acoustics and molecular physics

Absorption of longitudinal acoustic waves in polycrystalline titanium in the temperature range from 120 to 220 К

Absorption of longitudinal acoustic waves in polycrystalline titanium in the temperature range from 120 to 220 К

А.I. Korobov and A.N. Ekonomov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 97

Absorption coefficient of longitudinal acoustic waves in polycrystalline titanium was measured in the temperature range from 120 to 220 К. Singularities of the Bordoni peak type related to energy dissipation Ьу point defects have been observed. Some quantities characterizing this absorption mechanism have been calculated.

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