Issue 3, 2002
Statistical ensemble and passage from quantized to classical thermodynamics
Statistical ensemble and passage from quantized to classical thermodynamics
V.P. Maslov
A more convenient regularization of entropy than that in the publication [1] is proposed. Passage from quantized thermodynamics to classical thermodynamics is considered. It is demonstrated that the quasi-classical methods developed by the author for the Schrodinger equation case can be applied to equations of quantized thermodynamics.
Show AbstractTwo-soliton solutions of sin-Gordon equation and related pseudospherical surfaces
Two-soliton solutions of sin-Gordon equation and related pseudospherical surfaces
E.V. Maevskii
The surfaces with constant negative curvature $K=-1$ corresponding to twosoliton solutions of the sin-Gordon equation have been classified according to geometric characteristics of their singularities.
Show AbstractThe behavior of embedded eigenvalues of the Helmholtz equation under small perturbations
The behavior of embedded eigenvalues of the Helmholtz equation under small perturbations
M.D. Malykh
An example of a problem closely related to the spectral problem on the theory of waveguides with insertions, whose embedded eigenvalues vanish under slight changes of the coefficients, which characterize the filling, has been provided. The consideration of the problem is based on the Fubini method.
Show AbstractA problem of semiconductor physics with mixed boundary condition specified on a periodic system of electrodes lying along a line
A problem of semiconductor physics with mixed boundary condition specified on a periodic system of electrodes lying along a line
K.V. Prozorov, P.A. Krutitskii
A boundary-value problem for periodic harmonic functions outside a periodic system of rectilinear cuts on a plane has been considered. The Dirichlet condition is therewith specified on one side of each cut, and on the other side, the condition with a skew derivative is given. An explicit solution to the problem has been constructed for analytical functions with the help of the boundary problem theory. The uniqueness of solution has been proved. The problem describes the distribution of the electric field potential in a magnetized semiconducting film with a periodic system of rectilinear electrodes.
Show AbstractVortex-ring-like and potential solutions in $n$ dimensions
Vortex-ring-like and potential solutions in $n$ dimensions
A.D. Popova
Solutions have been presented of some elliptic vortex-ring-like equations and potentials of point-like sources in an $n$-dimensional space with the following unusual asymptotics: 3D and 2D asymptotics for an arbitrary 11umber of odd or even dimensions, respectively.
Show AbstractInteraction of polyatomic molecules at low energies
Interaction of polyatomic molecules at low energies
V.V. Komarov$^1$, A.M. Popova$^1$, LO. Stureiko$^1$, H. Jungclas$^2$
The authors discuss a theoretical model of collective vibrational states, excimoles, that arise in polyatomic molecules interacting at low energies. It is assumed that molecules have substructures composed of identical periodically ordered diatomic dipoles. Accumulation of excimoles occurs in the substructures when molecules slide over a surface containing molecules of the same kind at a velocity below the Bohr one. An analytical formula is presented for the probability of molecule dissociation in this process. A possible spectrum range of dissociation fragments is discussed.
Show AbstractEffect of various-scale roughness on reflectivity from interface boundary
Effect of various-scale roughness on reflectivity from interface boundary
A.N. Bogolyubov and A.A. Tikhonravov
A qualitative study of the problem of the effect of various-scale roughness on spectral properties of reflectivity and transmission factors for a rough interface has been carried out. Limiting cases of large-scale and small-scale roughnesses have been considered.
Show AbstractEstimation of specimen parameters in scanning electron microscope on the basis of quantitative model of beam-solid interaction
Estimation of specimen parameters in scanning electron microscope on the basis of quantitative model of beam-solid interaction
S.S. Borisov, E.A. Grachev, D.M. Ustinin, E.A. Cheremukhin, A.I. Chulichkov
A new approach has been suggested for solving the problems of analysis and interpretation of video signals of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and other microprobe devices based on a morphological analysis of images, the theory of calculating and measuring systems of superhigh resolution and a quantitative model of beam-solid interaction, which takes account of various interaction channels. The efficiency of applying the suggested methods has been shown.
Show AbstractBoundary-value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a multiply connected waveguide region with piecewise constant boundary
Boundary-value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a multiply connected waveguide region with piecewise constant boundary
Yu.Yu. Kryukova, V.P. Modenov
A computational algorithm for solving the boundary-value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a multiply connected waveguide region with piecewise constant boundary has been theoretically substantiated.
Show AbstractAnalogs of instanton solutions in theories regularized by higher covariant derivatives
Analogs of instanton solutions in theories regularized by higher covariant derivatives
E.V. Bagdasarova, K.V. Stepanyants
Field configurations, for which the variation of the action is zero provided that the variation of the gauge field is orthogonal to the scale mode, are considered as analogs of instanton solutions in theories regularized by higher covariant derivatives. Equations describing such configurations have been constructed, and their basic properties have been analyzed.
Show AbstractReconstruction of photonuclear process cross-sections in studies with bremsstrahlung $\gamma$ beams
Reconstruction of photonuclear process cross-sections in studies with bremsstrahlung $\gamma$ beams
V.K. Grishin, B.S. Ishkhanov, G.S. Nefedov
It has been demonstrated that by the method of computer simulation the initial cross-section of the model can reliably be reconstructed by directly fitting the reaction yield value based on the best choice of a proposed model of this crosssection. General criteria of statistical modeling, fitting convergence and stability for different degrees of statistical support of experimental data are discussed.
Show AbstractDifference in polarizabilities as a characteristic of Raman-active properties of a molecule
Difference in polarizabilities as a characteristic of Raman-active properties of a molecule
S.Yu. Nikitin
It is shown that difference in polarizabilities between the states forming a Raman-active transition is a convenient characteristic for describing the properties of a molecule with respect to Raman light scattering. Expressions have been derived for the amplification factor of stimulated Raman scattering and a spontaneous Raman scattering cross-section through the difference in the polarizabilities. Numerical estimates for hydrogen have been made.
Show AbstractZeeman effect and energy level crossing in strong magnetic field in rare-earth compounds RBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\delta}$, R = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm
Zeeman effect and energy level crossing in strong magnetic field in rare-earth compounds RBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\delta}$, R = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm
A.A. Demidov, Z.A. Kazei, N.P. Kolmakova
The authors have calculated the Zeeman effect, magnetization and magnetic susceptibility in isothermal and adiabatic conditions for compounds RBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\delta}$ in the tetragonal ($\delta\approx1.0$) and orthorhombic ($\delta\approx0$) phases with Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm ions. The effects of interaction between the energy levels of rare-earth ions (crossover) have been shown to exist for all compounds studied. The averaging of magnetic characteristics for polycrystalline specimens has made possible the determination of conditions under which the above effects can be observed experimentally on polycrystals.
Show AbstractElectron paramagnetic resonance of trivalent cerium ions: the $g$-factor theory
Electron paramagnetic resonance of trivalent cerium ions: the $g$-factor theory
I.V. Chepeleva
The results of calculation of effective $g$-factors of Ce$^{3+}$ ions (ground state $^2F_{5/2}$) in a strong crystalline field of cubic symmetry with orthorhombic distortions have been presented. The obtained data allow us to reliably interpret the Ce$^{3+}$ EPR spectra in chalcogenide glasses.
Show AbstractSurface plasmons-polaritons and asymmetric speckles
Surface plasmons-polaritons and asymmetric speckles
Yu.V. Vasil'ev$^1$, A.V. Kozar'$^2$, E.F. Kuritsyna, A.E. Luk'yanov$^3$
The origination of single-direction oriented asymmetric speckles has been experimentally discovered on illnminating the anisotropic surface of a metal face by a focused laser beam. This is due to a simultaneous resonance excitation of two modes of surface plasmonpolaritons connected in pairs. One mode is excited on a wavy surface of a semi-infinite metal reflection grating with a deep chaotic profile, the other, on a macroscopically straight edge of the grating, which is perpendicular to the grating profile grooves.
Show AbstractEffect of illumination on isothermal relaxation of photoinduced inetastable states in slightly boron-doped $a$-Si:H films
Effect of illumination on isothermal relaxation of photoinduced inetastable states in slightly boron-doped $a$-Si:H films
I.A. Kurova, N.N. Ormont, A.L. Gromadin
The kinetics of dark conduction of preliminarily exposed to light slightly boron-doped $a$-Si:H films after their isochronous annealing in the dark or under weak illumination has been studied. It has been found that relaxation of slow metastable states under illumination conditions is determined not only by thermal but also photoinduced annealing.
Show AbstractOrdering of magnetic moments of atoms in a crystal on application of electric field
Ordering of magnetic moments of atoms in a crystal on application of electric field
A.A. Opalenko, S.K. Godovikov
On applying a pulsed electric field, fluctuations of an ordered magnetic structure with a period of about 6 days are observed in a rare-earth magnetic TbFe$_2$ with tin impurity. No noticeable effect of an electric field was detected for pure TbFe$_2$ (without an impurity).
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