Issue 3, 2003
Two-loop anomalous dimension in $N=1$ supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics regularized by loop momentum cutoff
Two-loop anomalous dimension in $N=1$ supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics regularized by loop momentum cutoff
P.I. Pronin, B.A. Rosentul, К.V. Stepanyants
The two-loop anomalous dimension in $N=1$ supersymmetric electrodynamics regularized by loop momentum cutoff has been calculated.
Show AbstractEffect of double charge exchange on the establishment of charge equilibrium in ion beams
Effect of double charge exchange on the establishment of charge equilibrium in ion beams
Yu.A. Belkova, Ya.A. Teplova, I.S. Dmitriev
The results of experimental measurements of the distributions of charge fractions $F_i$ in ion beams on passing through thin celluloid films differing in thickness are used to calculate the charge-exchange cross sections of high-speed ions with due regard for the transfer both of a single electron and of two electrons simultaneously. The results are presented of calculating the mean charges $\hat I$ and equilibrium target thickness $t_{\rm eq}$ for Be, B, N, and О ions differing in initial charges and moving with a velocity of $V=3.6$ a.u. It is demonstrated that allowing for the loss and capture of two electrons simultaneously accelerates the establishment of charge equilibrium.
Show AbstractExcitation of linearly polarized waves in ring chip lasers
Excitation of linearly polarized waves in ring chip lasers
D.A. Aleshin, N.V. Kravtsov
This paper theoretically analyzes excitation of linearly polarized waves in ring chip lasers both of plane and nonplane geometry.
Show AbstractApplication of double modulation to measuring thermal expansion coefficient of fluids
Application of double modulation to measuring thermal expansion coefficient of fluids
L.A. Blagonravov, 0.0. Karchevskii, P.V. Ivannikov, A.S. Klepikov
A new method for measuring the thermal expansion coefficient of conducting liquids has been suggested; its essential feature is a simultaneous application of two types of modulation action of different physical nature on the specimen under examination. A device for implementing the suggested method has been described. The method has been tested by studying the change of the thermal expansion coefficient of distilled water in the temperature range of 20—40°C.
Show AbstractShift of coexistence curve of liquid binary mixtures caused by adsorption at the interface
Shift of coexistence curve of liquid binary mixtures caused by adsorption at the interface
S.G. Ilyina, E.N. Revina
A change in the phase diagram of two liquid binary mixtures (methanol—heptane and methanol—hexane) was found to occur under the effect of a change in the areas of a free surface and a liquid—wall interface.
Show AbstractMossbauer spectra and magnetic properties of ferrites-chromites CuFe$_{2-x}$Cr$_x$O$_4$
Mossbauer spectra and magnetic properties of ferrites-chromites CuFe$_{2-x}$Cr$_x$O$_4$
L.G. Antoshina, A.A. Opalenko, A.I. Kokorev, A.I. Firov
The results of our Mossbauer investigations of ferrite Zno.4Feo.6fNio.6Cr1.4lO4 and compositions of the system CuFe$_{2-x}$Cr$_x$O$_4$ ($x=0.2$, $1.0$, $1.4$) confirmed the assumption that in ferrites of this system, the frustration degree in an A sublattice increases with the growth of the substitution parameter x, as a result of which the spontaneous magnetization relationship $x\ge1.0$ of the N type becomes anomalous.
Show AbstractStudies of grid-induced turbulence by the methods of correlation and spectral analysis
Studies of grid-induced turbulence by the methods of correlation and spectral analysis
Yu.G. Pyrkin, I.N. Ivanova, A.E. Frolova
series of experiments using correlation and spectral analysis has been performed to study the spatial structure of a liquid, in which turbulence is set by a vibrating grid. The experiments have shown that there are three regions of motion in such a liquid: jet flow, transition, and random (turbulent) zones. Turbulence intensity in pure water and in suspension has been estimated and the vertical scale of turbulent formations has been determined. In suspension, part of turbulent energy of a liquid is absorbed by suspended particles.
Show AbstractSimulation of support disturbing accelerations for gravity investigations on the sea
Simulation of support disturbing accelerations for gravity investigations on the sea
V.L. Panteleev, Z.N. Levitskaya, T.S. Chesnokova, A.V. Loginov
This paper continues a series of articles devoted to numerical simulation of specific gravity measurements in motion. Mathematical formulas have been derived for simulating models of random processes including the displacement, rate of displacement and acceleration of a support caused by the ship rolling and pitching motion.
Show AbstractNumerical method of solving the problem of acoustic-gravity waves propagation in the atmosphere up to ionospheric heights
Numerical method of solving the problem of acoustic-gravity waves propagation in the atmosphere up to ionospheric heights
R.R. Ahmadov, V.Б. Kunitsyn
A numerical algorithm and software have been developed for solving a set of one-dimensional nonlinear equations of geophysical hydrodynamics that describe generation of acoustic—gravity waves resulting from earthquakes and strong explosions and their propagation to a great height in the atmosphere.
Show AbstractTrapped modes of irregular waveguide
Trapped modes of irregular waveguide
A.N. Bogolyubov, M.D. Malykh
The reasons for difficulties in proving the existence of embedded trapped modes of waveguides have been discussed.
Show AbstractRestoring photonuclear reaction cross sections by piecewise fitting
Restoring photonuclear reaction cross sections by piecewise fitting
V.K. Grishin, B.S. Ishkhanov, G.S. Nefedov
A new fitting-based iteration method to solve ill-posed problems has been proposed. The suggested method of piecewise fitting was approved in restoring the photonuclear process cross sections when studying bremsstrahlung $\gamma$-beams under limited experimental statistics.
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